Regatta Notices
Identifying clubs/schools
The following 2-digit crew numbers are used to identify schools within a club. Schools can also enter directly as schools (identified by their own 4-letter code)
Auckland Rowing Club (AKLC):
- Sacred Heart College: AKLC 11-19 (SHAK)
- Epsom Girls Grammar: AKLC 21-29 (EGGS)
- Diocesan School for Girls: AKLC 31-39 (DIOC)
North Shore Rowing Club (NSHC):
- Westlake Boys: NSHC 11-19 (WTLB)
- Westlake Girls: NSHC 21-29 (WTLG)
- Carmel College: NSHC 31-39 (CARM)
- Wentworth College: NSHC 41-49 (WENT)
St Georges Rowing Club (SGEC):
- Macleans College: SGEC 11-19 (MACL)
- Edgewater College: SGEC 21-29 (EDWT)
- Glendowie College: SGEC 31-39 (GLDW)
- Dilworth: SGEC 41-49 (DILW)
West End Rowing Club (WESC)
- Baradene College: WESC 11-19 (BARA)
- St Peters College: WESC 21-29 (STPA)
- Mt Albert Grammar: WESC 31-39 (MTAL)